If after reading and following the post-operative instructions you are experiencing any of the following problems please call +8801611474706


  1. Wounds feel hot and tender.
  2. Unusual discharge from your wound or dressings or an odour from your dressings.
  3. Fever may be present and a general feeling of unwell.


  1. Swelling is not reduced with elevation of the leg
  2. A change in colour of your toes or coldness
  3. The calf muscle in your lower leg of the treated foot swells or is painful.


  1. Your dressings are showing excessive amount of fresh blood.
  2. Elevation and application of pressure dressings doesn’t stop the bleeding.


  1. The medication that has been prescribed for you is not helping control the pain while you have been resting with your limb elevated.


  1. You are experiencing ill effects due to the medication that has been prescribed for antibiotic and pain eg. Nausea, vomiting, gastric discomfort.