You have just had a surgical procedure performed.
There may be some bleeding through the bandage. This is normal. If bleeding persists, Please
Call the +8801611474706.
*If a procedure has been performed before noon, please begin soaking tonight. The Second soaking could take place the next morning.
Day One to Five:
- Take your shower in the morning. Soak your toe in approximately two quarts of Luke warm water with Epsom salts or two teaspoons of table salts for no more than 5 Minutes once a day.
- After soaking, dry your toe, apply the Antibiotic cream, fold a 2×2 gauze in half, place this over the cream and then apply a band aid around your toe. It is important that you always bandage with the gauze and not the band aid alone. The gauze allows the area to drain properly to decrease the chance of infection.
- This is to be left on until the following day when you soak again.
Day Six to Ten:
- Take your shower in the morning. Stop soaking in the Epsom salts or table salts and begin pouring a small amount of Hydrogen peroxide over the area. You may notice scabbing/crusts, use a clean 2×2 gauze and gently wipe this away daily.
- Discontinue the cream.
- Continue the 2×2 gauze and band aid. Leave this on until bedtime.
- At bedtime, remove the gauze and band aid and leave the toe uncovered until the next morning.
- Continue these steps beyond 10 days if toe is not completely healed.
If a permanent correction was performed, you may experience a certain amount of drainage for 24 weeks along with some redness of the skin around the nail. If there is discomfort, take two Paracetamol tablets every four hours as needed. You may walk as much as you like if it is comfortable. If wearing a shoe is uncomfortable, a sandal can be worn. The ocean, lake, swimming pools (chlorine or salt) and hot tubs are to be avoided until seen by the Foot and Ankle Surgeon at you follow up appointment.