Plantar Warts
Most foot warts are harmless, even though they may be painful. They are often mistaken for other conditions such as corns or calluses -. A wart, however, is a viral infection. Over 42 types of viruses are known to cause a wart.More serious foot lesions such as malignant...

Common Fungal Problems
Athlete’s foot and fungal nails are the most common fungal problems with feet. A fungus is a common mold that thrives in dark, warm moist areas. On the feet, it can grow on and between toes, as well as on soles and toenails. Fungal problems can be a result of the ...

Overlapping or under lapping Toes
Overlapping toes are characterized by one toe lying on top of an adjacent toe. The fifth toe is the most commonly affected. Overlapping toes may develop in the unborn fetus. Passive stretching and adhesive taping is most commonly used to correct overlapping toes in infa...

Mallet Toes
Mallet toes are deformities caused by bone and muscle imbalances that become exaggerated in people with active lifestyles. Arthritis can also lead to mallet toes. Mallet toes can cause extreme discomfort and may be aggravated if restrictive or improperly fitting footwea...

Sesamoids are small bones that are connected only to tendons or are embedded in muscle. This structure appears in only a few places in the human body, one of which is the foot. Two very small sesamoids (about the size of a kernel of corn) are found in the underside of t...

Hallux Rigidus
An unmovable big toe, known as Hallux Rigidus, is the most common form of arthritis in the foot. Hallux Rigidus occurs as a result of wear-and-tear injuries, which wear down the articular cartilage, causing raw bone ends to rub together. A bone spur, or overgrowth, may ...

Hallux Limitus
Hallux Limitus is a condition that results in stiffness of the big toe joint. It is normally caused by an abnormal alignment of the long bone behind the big toe joint, called the first metatarsal bone. Left untreated, Hallux Limitus can cause other joint problems, callu...

Surgical Treatment
Depending on the size of the enlargement, misalignment of the toe, and pain experienced, conservative treatments may not be adequate to prevent progressive damage from bunions. In these cases, bunion surgery, known as a bunionectomy, may be advised to remove the bunion ...